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reset OSX user password on VirtualBox VM

from the host terminal set OSX VM boot options for Single mode
VBoxManage setextradata <vm> "VBoxInternal2/EfiBootArgs"  "-s"

start the VM

on the root prompt, remount the root filesystem RW:
sudo mount -u -o rw /

then start the user Deamon
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

now it's possible to set a new password with the passwd command
passwd user

(to get the users list: ls /Users/ )

restart the VM

then on the host terminal, set boot option to verbose (non single user)

VBoxManage setextradata <vm> "VBoxInternal2/EfiBootArgs"  "-v"

osx boot optons:

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convert mp4 files to avi (xvid4/mp3) with avidemux

with avidemux on OSX

put all mp4 files in a new folder

cd ~
mkdir -p tmp/mp4
cd tmp/mp4

create a avidemux template file for video conversion like this one:

#PY  <- Needed to identify #
#--automatically built--

adm = Avidemux()
adm.addSegment(0, 0, 22476640000)
adm.markerA = 0
adm.markerB = 22476640000
adm.videoCodec("xvid4", "params=2PASSBITRATE=800", "profile=244", "rdMode=3", "motionEstimation=3", "cqmMode=0", "arMode=1", "maxBFrame=2", "maxKeyFrameInterval=200", "nbThreads=99", "qMin=2", "qMax=25", "rdOnBFrame=True", "hqAcPred=True"
, "optimizeChrome=True", "trellis=True")
adm.audioCodec(0, "Lame", "bitrate=128", "preset=0", "quality=2", "disableBitReservoir=False");
adm.audioSetResample(0, 48000)
adm.audioSetDrc(0, 1)
adm.audioSetShift(0, 0,0)
adm.setContainer("AVI", "odmlType=1")"FILEOUT")

save it like

 then create another shell script file:

ls *.mp4 | sort > $VAR # Collect the files in the current directory
cat $VAR | while read line; do  # Loop read the filenames from the file
  INPUT=$(echo ${line}) # Grab the nxt new filename
  OUTPUT=${INPUT%.*4} # Remove shortest match of characters between the '. ' and the '4' at end of string
  OUTPUT+=".avi" # Append new extension
  #echo ${INPUT}
  #echo ${OUTPUT}
  rm -rf ${NUMU}.py
  sed "s/FILEIN/${INPUT}/" > ${NUMU}.py
  sed  -i.bak "s/FILEOUT/${OUTPUT}/" ${NUMU}.py
  ${AVIDEMUX} --run ${NUMU}.py --quit
  let NUMU=${NUMU}+1
rm $VAR # Remove the text file with the file names

and save it as ""

then give it execution permission:

chmod +x


then call it:



it will convert all mp4 files in that folder

P.S. the 22476640000 value in the template is about (6 hours, 51 mins, etc.) is for select all file's duration 

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inport subtitle dvd studio pro 4

i file subtitle per DSP4 in formato txt devono essere formattati così:

00:01:59.17, 00:02:02.23, I'm behlnd the scenes.|I'm the sports agent.


Start TC , tab endTC , tab text

per mandare a capo il testo uso |



se ho un file così

00:01:14.11 00:01:20.21 In Seattle. Dallas Malloy, 16.

One of the premier women boxers.


con vim:







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connessione bluethoot

Naviga 3 su Mac OS X e su telefonino Nokia

Non avete l’adsl e volete navigare in internet ad una velocità ragionevole?

Naviga 3 è quello che cercate!
Naviga 3 è un opzione tariffaria grazie alla quale con 9€ al mese avete a disposizione 50Mb al giorno da usare come volete.

Sotto potete trovare la guida per configurare il Telefonino e il Mac.
La guida vi aiuta se:


Configurazione per navigare con il telefonino brand 3 o no:

Per gli utenti Nokia (e non solo) o con un telefonino Symbian, potete navigare anche con il vostro cellulare.
Seguite le istruzioni che riporto in seguito.

Nel menù del telefonino andate su Impostazioni, connessione, Punti di accesso.
Create un nuovo punto di accesso, chiamatelo per semplicità chiamatelo naviga 3

Tipo di trasporto dati dati a pacchetto

Nome punto di accesso

Nome utente (nessuno)

Richiesta Password no

Password (lasicate vuoto)

Autenticazione Protetta

Ora andate su Dati a pacchetto

Connessione dati pacchetto Se disponibile

Punto di accesso

Il telefonino è configurato, consiglio sempre di fare delle connessioni di prova e verificare se viene scalato il credito prima di fare una connessione lunga che potrebbe rivelarsi molto onerosa…

Configurazione per navigare con il Mac utilizzando naviga 3:

Nella barra del menù in alto a destra cliccate sul simbolo del bluethoot e attivatelo

Poi Imposta dispositivo Bluetooth, cliccate su continua, scegli cellulare e cliccate su continua. Selezionate il vostro cellulare e a questo punto vi dovrebbe apparire un codice sullo schermo del macBook, lo riportate sul cellulare e cliccate su continua.

Per quanto riguarda i servizi che desideri utilizzare con il tuo cellulare, spuntate su Accedi ad Internet con la connessione dati del telefono, scegliete e Utilizza una connessione diretta ad alta velocità.

Ora vi appare una pagina che poi potete visualizzare andando su Applicazioni, Bluetooth.


Numero di telefono *99#
Nome account AT+CGDCONT=,,””<cr>
Password (niente)

A questo punto per verificare che tutto funzioni al meglio consiglio di fare delle connessioni di prova e verificare se viene scalato il credito

Mail scarica sempre la stessa mail


Dopo aver chiuso Mail
da terminale:

sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/Envelope\ Index vacuum

mv ~/Library/Mail/MessageUidsAlreadyDownloaded3 ~/Library/Mail/MessageUidsAlreadyDownloaded3.old

In Mail premendo ricevi riscaricherà (per l'ultima volta!!!) le email

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Open Firmware Password Protection

Open Firmware Password Protection
by CodeSamurai of

Jump to: FWSucker - Displays the existing Firmware password

Disclaimer & Warning

Enabling the Open Firmware password protection feature is done so at your own risk; the author of this article and/or SecureMac will NOT be held accountable or responsible for whatever you do. Changes to Open Firmware that have not been explicitly endorsed by Apple may damage your computer's logic board. Any repairs that are necessary because of this damage would not be covered under the terms of the Apple One-Year Limited Warranty, AppleCare Protection Plan, or other AppleCare agreement.

Also, updating the Open Firmware with security enabled has been reported to cause permanent password corruption (and the security-mode setting before the update stays). So disable password protection security before applying any Open Firmware update. 


Apple's latest Open Firmware update introduces support for additional security options which allow the Open Firmware to be password protected. Similar to the typical PC BIOS password protection feature, this feature in Apple's implementation of Open Firmware allows you to password protect your computer's ability to boot. Furthermore, Apple went above and beyond the Open Firmware 1275 specification and added a progressive delay technique to discourage brute force hacking of the Open Firmware password. The delay itself increases in a pattern of 2^x seconds. If you don't quite understand what the "progressive delay technique" is, you can check it out on a machine with password protection enabled by pressing the return key several times at the password request prompt. Also note, zapping the PRAM (through Command + Option + P + R or even TechTool's "complete zap") will not disable or remove the password protection.

The way this password protection feature works is that there's an Open Firmware command "password" which will request you to set your password, and then on confirmation of what you typed as you password, it sets that as the password. Then, you must tell it to enable the security and specify which setting level of security you wish. This is stored as the "security-mode" variable which can be set to one of three modes: "none", "command", or "full". The "none" mode effectively disables security. The "command" mode just restricts the commands that may be executed to "go" and "boot". Additionally, under the "command" mode, the "boot" command may not have any arguments--that is, it will only boot the device specified in the boot device variable; no other command may be entered or any settings changed unless the password is supplied. Moreover, this password protection feature also applies to booting up with the option key held down (which allows you to choose from available bootable volumes through a built-in graphical user interface). Finally, in "full" mode, the machine is completely prohibited from booting until the password is entered.


Enabling Password Protection

1) Boot into the Open Firmware. (Command + Option + O + F)

2) At the command prompt, type "password" (without the quotes, of course). You will be prompted to enter in the password you wish to use. Type your password, press the return key, retype your password again, and press return to verify that that the first password you typed is indeed the password you want. (Note: the password is stored in the "security-password" variable, but the contents of this variable is never shown via the "printenv" command.)

3) Type "setenv security-mode full" OR "setenv security-mode command" OR "setenv security-mode none", depending on which level of security you wish.

4) Then type "reset-all" to restart the computer.

Disabling Password Protection

1) Boot into the Open Firmware. (Command + Option + O + F)

2) Type "setenv security-mode none" and press return.

3) Enter in the password at the password request prompt and press return.

4) Then type "reset-all" to restart the computer.

Force Removing Password Protection

1) Add or remove DIMMs to change the total amount of RAM in the computer.

2) Then, the PRAM must be reset 3 times. (Command + Option + P + R).

Retrieving the Password Used with Software

If you are allready booted into the MacOS the Open Firmware Password can be retrieved by using the application FWSucker created by mSec. We warn you of this program because many administrators believe that their Macs are secure at night when they shut them off just because they have the Open Firmware Password set. Be cautious of this application, and if you are using any desktop security software we suggest keeping this program restricted by it.

Download FWSucker for Open Firmware Password Retrival

FWSucker.sit from 


Power Mac G4 Firmware 4.1.8 Update
G4 Cube Firmware 4.1.8 Update
iMac Firmware 4.1.7 Update
iBook Firmware 4.1.7 Update
PowerBook Firmware 4.1.8 Update
Firmware Updates 4.1.7/4.1.8 May Disable Out-of-Spec Third-Party RAM
Apple Open Firmware Password Protection Notice
Apple Computer Open Firmware Home Page
Apple Open Firmware Technotes

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